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50 Quotes to Inspire Online Marketers & Business Owners

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We all know there are specific strategies marketing experts use to build a strong digital foundation; producing relevant content, implementing SEO tactics, creating a social media platform… the list goes on. But none of that matters if you’re lacking the ambition to get started. At Blue Corona, we spend our days on the web, making sure our talented clients are perceived positively in their digital space. The kind of work we do requires inspiration every now and then, so we’ve compiled a list of our top 50 favorite motivational quotes to share with you. Whether you’re a fellow marketing specialist or a business owner, these quotes are a great reminder of just how important it is to make the most of your online presence.
  1. “Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” – Jon Buscall
  2. “Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.” – Amrita Sahasrabudhe
  3. “Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.” – Anonymous
  4. “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content marketing is showing the world you are one.” – Robert Rose
  5. “Google will know that you are hungry for sushi before you do.” – Ben Kunz
  6. “Clients don’t care about the labor pains; they want to see the baby.” – Tim Williams
  7. “Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.” – Laura Fitton
  8. “We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people.” – Pierre Omidyar
  9. “Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic.’” – Adam Audette
  10. “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” – Beth Comstock
  11. “Almost overnight, the Internet’s gone from a technical wonder to a business must.” – Bill Schrader
  12. “Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.” – Jay Baer
  13. “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall
  14. “Does your content lead readers on a journey, or does it merely stuff them as leads into a pipeline? – Ann Handley
  15. “Content builds relationships. Relationship are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”
  16. “Create content that reaches your audience’s audience.” – @MarketingProfs
  17. “These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.” – Brian Clark
  18. “The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say ‘This was written specifically for me.’” – Jamie Turner
  19. “People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.” – Brian Halligan
  20. “You have to stand apart by offering high quality, relevant experiences to audiences that you truly understand.” – Adam Audette
  21. “There are three objectives for content marketing: reach engagement conversion. Define key metrics for each.” – Michael Brenner
  22. “SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked.” – Duane Forrester
  23. “In 2004, good SEO made you remarkable on the web. In 2014, good SEO is a result of being remarkable on the web.” – Rand Fishkin
  24. “Without actionable data and clear metrics driven strategy, the marketing organization is being paid to guess.” – Team Position2
  25. “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is—it’s what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
  26. “Data beats opinions.” – Anonymous
  27. “Testing is the biggest no-brainer, and the killer of most stupid ideas.” – Avinash Kaushik
  28. “You cannot get anybody to do something if they’re not paying attention to you.” – Brian Carter
  29. “The next evolution of content marketing is not more content; it’s better distribution.” – Christopher Penn
  30. “Sometimes you have to experiment with a lot of ideas and see which one sticks. If you’re unsure, let the market decide.” – Dorie Clark
  31. “You can’t convince anyone of anything. You can only give them the right information, so that they convince themselves.” – Eben Pagan
  32. “What is quality content? Ultimately, the consumer decides.” – Joe Chernov
  33. “Invest in yourself. When you do this, you press the fast-forward button on your success.” – John Lee Dumas
  34. “The ultimate content strategy is listening.” – Marcus Sheridan
  35. “SEO is like a resume, you polish it so you have your best foot forward.” – Matt Cutts
  36. “Your website should be your calling card, or your business front door.” – James Schramko
  37. “Content Marketing is no longer a numbers game. It’s a game of relevance.” – Jason Miller
  38. “Power doesn’t come from content, power comes from the content that moves.” – Mark Schaefer
  39. “The future of SEO is here: understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines.” – Adam Audette
  40. “Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.” – Neil Patel
  41. “The tactics drive the strategy.”Marc Benioff
  42. “As you go about creating new customer engagement programs and direct marketing packages for your brand, look for opportunities to give rather than to get. Whoever makes the first kind gesture, as studies show, tends to gain the most.” – Jeanette McMurtry
  43. “Before you create any more ‘great content,’ figure out how you are going to market it first.” – Joe Pulizzi & Newt Barrett
  44. “By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk.” – Doc Searls & David Weinburger
  45. “Content is not king, but a president elected by the votes of those whom it aims to rule.” – Raheel Forooq
  46. Content is the key, because it’s how a website creates an online experience. – Adam Audette
  47. “Do not address your readers as though they were gathered together in a stadium. When people read your copy, they are alone. Pretend you are writing to each of them a letter on behalf of your client.” – David Ogilvy
  48. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing. – Mike Volpe
  49. “Don’t Build Links. Build Relationships.” – Rand Fishkin
  50. “Every day I feel really great to work with the team I work with and the clients I work with; it’s like my job is just to match great clients with great people.” – Will Reynolds

Now That We’re Inspired—Let’s Strengthen Your Online Presence!

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of our favorite marketing quotes. Creating an effective digital marketing strategy is an absolute MUST in today’s business world. If you want to stay ahead of the trends to ensure your company is seen as THE authority within your industry, we can help! Contact us today to learn more about what we do, or to get started right away.


Blue Corona's Editorial Staff is determined to help you increase your leads and sales, optimize your marketing costs, and differentiate your brand by passing on our tribal knowledge. The team vigilantly stays on top of the latest in digital marketing, bringing you the top insights with expert commentary. Want to see something on our blog you haven't seen yet? Shoot us an email and our marketing team will get to work.

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Customized Digital Marketing Strategies

we build your strategy to help you outrank and outperform the competition

// Home Services Marketing

SEO (search engine optimization) and paid media are the two most effective ways to increase qualified visitors to your website. If your business doesn’t dominate the first page of search results, you’re losing business to your competition. We help you maximize your search engine real estate across both paid and organic listings on search engines like Google and Bing. This drives more qualified website traffic, calls, and leads to your business (and not your competitors’).

Elevate Your Brand Presence

with a new website

// Website Design & Development

At Blue Corona, we take care of your website for you—from start to finish. The best part? You own 100% of everything we create—the code, content, design—everything. Our websites capture the uniqueness of your brand, deliver a seamless user experience, and serve as the launchpad for your digital marketing campaigns. We provide:

  • Website design and development
  • Hosting
  • Security
  • Webmaster support

Capture & Convert More Leads

without spending a dollar more on marketing

// Maximize your marketing 

Marketing is only successful if your operations team does its job. At Blue Corona, we help your team capture and convert more leads by providing 24/7/365 call answering services and AI-powered website chat to help you:

  • Answer more calls
  • Increase your website conversion rate
  • Book more jobs
  • Provide best-in-class customer experience